Girls Soccer Gets a Win Over New Life


The Mustangs have been in some intense late game battles this season with four of their first six games ending in ties. The girls were determined to come out strong and get off to a good start against a tough New Life team that they lost to 1-2 last season.

Anna Sathre stepped up and did just that, as she put the ball in the back of the net less than one minute into the contest. The Mustangs didn’t let off the gas on their way to their first win of the season. They improve to 1-2-4 overall after the 4-0 win over the Eagles last night at home on Youth Night.

Ivy Dehler, who got her first two goals of the season said, “I thought for sure that we were going to beat them”. She was determined as one of the team captains to lead the Mustangs to a home win. Natalie Josephitis also added her first goal of the season. 

Mackenzie Linhoff (1), Avery Fabienke (2), and Olivia Lanari (1) had the assists. 

Coaches Ian Sendi and Morgan Diaz have been putting a ton of time in to build the confidence of the girls and wanted nothing more than for them to have the feeling of what it’s like to win on their home field. Following the game, head coach Ian Sendi said, “It was a team effort. We will continue committing to developing and following a healthy process that will ultimately make winning a byproduct of what we do every day on and off the field”.

Visit the MN Soccer Hub to stay caught up with Mustang Girls Soccer results and box scores throughout the season. 

The Mustangs are back in action next Tuesday, September 17, when they head to St. Agnes for another Skyline Conference matchup against the Aggies. 


Ivy Dehler scores one of her two goals on the night
Natalie Josephitis brings the ball up the field

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