girls volleyball

Maranatha Christian Academy Girls Volleyball is part of the MSHSL. The Mustangs compete in the Skyline Conference and in Section 5AA. We will offer a Varsity, JV, and C-team. Our middle school teams compete in the NSPSL.

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Concordia Academy won the Skyline Conference and went to state last year. Let’s pack the gym for this one! Varsity match starts at 7:00 pm.


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week 4 preview

weekly previews

MCA VB Week 4 Preview

MCA VB Week 4 Preview ...

Huge win tonight for the Maranatha Mustangs over Legacy, who entered the match at the top of the Section 5AA standings. 

Go Mustangs!

Huge win tonight for the Maranatha Mustangs over Legacy, who entered the match at the top of the Section 5AA standings.

Go Mustangs!

varsity starts at 4:15
theme is RED OUT❌

varsity starts at 4:15
theme is RED OUT❌

MCA Volleyball Week 3 Preview

MCA Volleyball Week 3 Preview ...

Mustangs get the sweep at their home opener with C, JV, and Varsity all coming out on top!

Mustangs get the sweep at their home opener with C, JV, and Varsity all coming out on top! ...

Come cheer us on tonight as we take on the Rockford Rockets in our home opener. The theme is Western wear.

Come cheer us on tonight as we take on the Rockford Rockets in our home opener. The theme is Western wear. ...

MCA VB Week 2 Preview

MCA VB Week 2 Preview ...

2024 Press Conference

home of mustang volleyball

The Stable at Maranatha Christian Academy | 9201 75th Avenue Brooklyn Park, MN 55428

bsn sideline store

Please note items may not be approved to wear at school. Please refer to the Maranatha dress code policy for guidelines.
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